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	<title>NICHES - INPS</title>
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	<description>Indiana Native Plant Society</description>
	<lastBuildDate>Mon, 01 Aug 2016 14:19:03 +0000</lastBuildDate>
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	<title>NICHES - INPS</title>
		<title>First Indiana Intrastate Stewardship Gathering August 16-18</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Wendy Ford]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Mon, 01 Aug 2016 14:19:03 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Invasives Education]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Upcoming Events]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[invasive plants]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://indiananativeplants.org/?p=5960</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>First Indiana Intrastate Stewardship GatheringHosted by NICHES Land TrustAugust 16-18, 2016Ross Hills Tippecanoe County Indiana August 161-1:30 PM Overview of<a class="excerpt-read-more" href="https://indiananativeplants.org/2016/first-indiana-intrastate-stewardship-gathering-august-16-18/" title="ReadFirst Indiana Intrastate Stewardship Gathering August 16-18">... Read more &#187;</a></p>
<p>The post <a href="https://indiananativeplants.org/2016/first-indiana-intrastate-stewardship-gathering-august-16-18/">First Indiana Intrastate Stewardship Gathering August 16-18</a> first appeared on <a href="https://indiananativeplants.org">INPS</a>.</p>]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>First Indiana Intrastate Stewardship Gathering<br />Hosted by NICHES Land Trust<br />August 16-18, 2016<br />Ross Hills Tippecanoe County Indiana</p>
<p><strong>August 16</strong><br />1-1:30 PM Overview of the Ross Hills Landscape and orientation to the area (Gus Nyberg)<br />1:30-2:30 PM Invasive species mapping and use of smart phone apps (Ellen Jacquart)<br />2:30-5 PM Mapping of Japanese Stilt Grass in the greater Ross Hills Landscape (small groups)<br />Get settled, make camp and eat dinner<br />7 PM Controlled burning: how do we get move fire safely on the ground in Indiana (group discussion of needs, limitations, partnership opportunities)</p>
<p><strong>August 17</strong><br />9 AM –noon Japanese Stilt grass control in the greater Ross Hills<br />1 &#8211; 4 PM Japanese stilt grass control<br />4 – 5 PM mapping of area covered by groups<br />7 PM further discussion of fire or invasive species and how organizations can collaborate more effectively</p>
<p><strong>August 18</strong><br />9 AM Usefulness of gathering for participants? Plan next meeting if group desires<br />10- 12PM Field trips to local NICHES sites to oak woodland recovery or sand barrens restoration<br />Head for home.<br />Ross Hills Camp is a modern campground managed by the Tippecanoe County Parks Department. We have a cluster of camp sites together for our use. No cost to participants.<br />Please RSVP to Gus Nyberg gnyberg@nicheslandtrust.org 765-423-1605 by July 22</p><p>The post <a href="https://indiananativeplants.org/2016/first-indiana-intrastate-stewardship-gathering-august-16-18/">First Indiana Intrastate Stewardship Gathering August 16-18</a> first appeared on <a href="https://indiananativeplants.org">INPS</a>.</p>]]></content:encoded>