
INPAWS Informational Brochure

Introducing the Indiana Native Plant & Wildflower Society as a resource for the public to explore and learn about native plants, and inviting them to join. Includes membership application. Free brochures available in quantity for INPAWS outreach. Email View the entire brochure


Landscaping with Plants Native to Indiana

Plant lists for woodland, woods edge, prairie grassland, and water’s edge sites and typical landscape uses. Free brochures available in quantity for INPAWS outreach. Email View printable version (PDF)


Invasive Plants in Indiana: Pretty…Awful!

Defines invasive plants, why we should care about them, and what we can do. Profiles sixteen of the worst invasives afflicting Indiana. Free brochures available in quantity for INPAWS outreach. Email

Additional brochures about invasives are available for a fee at the Midwest Invasive Plant Network (MIPN), including a Field Guide to Invasive Plants of the Midwest and Landscape Alternatives for Invasive Plants of the Midwest.

Grow Indiana Natives Rack Card

Email To learn about our Grow Indiana Natives program, visit