Photo Credit: Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) by Eyup Erdogan

Indiana Native Plant Society
Annual Conference
Saturday, October 26, 2024
FORUM Events Center
11313 USA Parkway, Fishers IN 46037


What to Expect

Every fall, Indiana Native Plant Society members gather for a full day’s immersion in native plants. The public is invited too.

At our usual in-person events, conferees come early to pick up their materials, munch on a complimentary continental breakfast, and check out who’s attending. After the president’s greeting and a brief business meeting (e.g., election of officers), the immersion begins.

We usually have a keynote speaker or two, plus additional lectures and breakouts, depending on what the conference team decides. During breaks, there’s time to visit displays by native plant friendly organizations and conference sponsors. The INPS bookstore and the seed swap are ever-popular diversions, and there’s plenty of good food and camaraderie to be enjoyed by all.

Often the regional chapter hosting the conference will plan Friday activities such as hikes, workshops, and get-togethers. These are great ways to make new friends and enjoy the local scenery.

Registration Fees & Deadlines

Fees—Member $75, Non-member $100, Student $30 (includes continental breakfast and buffet lunch)

Cancellation Policy  Requests to cancel registrations must be sent via email by October 15, 2024, to No refunds will be made for cancellations received after this date. Refunds are subject to a $30 processing fee and will be issued no less than 1 month after the meeting.

INPS reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the Annual Conference due to unforeseen circumstances. Registrants will be notified.

Questions About Registration? Please address them to

Questions About Membership? See details here and address questions to

Sponsor and Exhibitor Options

The INPS Annual Conference is a great place to showcase your business or non-profit organization. The conference attracts avid naturalists, conservation activists, landscape professionals and gardeners who will be interested in your products, services or mission. Our latest in-person conference drew more than 300 attendees, and in future we expect even more.

For businesses, organizations, and individuals wishing to support the conference, we have three levels of sponsorship available, each including the option of an exhibitor table. We also offer non-sponsoring not-for-profit groups and government agencies an exhibitor table for a modest fee which includes one conference registration. Register by October 8.

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What We Are Accomplishing with Your Donations

Register as a Sponsor or Exhibitor

If you’re not sure about enrolling as a sponsor or exhibitor, please let us know at so that we may follow up and answer any questions.

NOTE: INPS welcomes sponsors and exhibitors from a wide range of businesses and organizations. No endorsement by INPS is implied by their participation in this conference.