Occasionally the INPS Council (board members, chapter heads, and program and operations leaders) takes a formal position on an issue related to our mission. Following are recent position statements.

Mounds Reservoir (February 11, 2014)

The proposed Mounds Reservoir, on the White River at Anderson, would inundate a rare and unique dedicated state nature preserve, as well as significant areas of mature riparian habitat. The Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society believes that this would represent irreparable damage to the flora and fauna of Indiana, and is opposed to the project.

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Reduction in the Number of Deer (November 12, 2013)

Due to the negative impact on native vegetation of an unnaturally large deer herd in Indiana, the Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society supports a reduction in the number of deer in this state.  This reduction in numbers should be based on sound science and game management principles, as determined by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. 

More on the blog:

President’s Letter to Indy Parks (September 25, 2014)

Blame Bambi for Bountiful Garlic Mustard (April 13, 2015)