INPAWS Announces Its New Website

In this electronic age, the web is the primary outreach vehicle to educate the public about the mission of INPAWS, draw in new supporters, engage young people and keep our members informed.

Last winter, the INPAWS Board acknowledged the need for a fresh, new website to serve our mission and authorized a committee composed of Wendy Ford, Jeff Pitts, Amy Perry, Matt Newell and Ruth Ann Ingraham to coordinate the task.

The design team at Ratio Architects created the site’s new look; Damon Lutton did the technical, behind-the-scenes programming; Wendy Ford assembled content and “populated” the site, a monumental task.

Today’s unveiling culminates eight months of effort.  The committee hopes that you find the result appealing, informative and useful.  We invite and welcome comments. Enjoy.

Ruth Ann Ingraham
Website Committee Chair