Invasives Swat Team to remove invasives at Glick Nature Preserve

Central Chapter’s Invasives Swat Team is planning a volunteer day to remove invasives at the Gene B. Glick Nature Preserve in northeast Indianapolis.  Volunteers will meet at the Glick NP on April 10 at 10:00, and work until about 1:00.  Focus will be on garlic mustard, bush honeysuckle, English ivy, and a non-native wisteria.  This will be a continuation of work that the team has performed in past years to reduce, and eventually eliminate, invasives from the property.  It’s a great opportunity to get some exercise, enjoy good company, and help nature at the same time.

The Glick Nature Preserve is a property of the Central Indiana Land Trust (CILTI), located at 42 nd St. and Mitthoefer Rd.  Exact location and more information on the site can be found at their web site  Anyone interested in helping should contact Tom Hohman at