Invasives Removal at Holliday Park April 14

Central Chapter’s Invasives Swat Team is planning a volunteer day to remove invasives at Holliday Park in Indianapolis.  Volunteers will meet at the nature center on Sunday, April 14 at 9:00 a.m., and work until about noon.  This will be a followup to work that was done last year, in a continuing effort to rid the park of garlic mustard.  Last year netted 17 large trash bags of garlic mustard plants. 

Holiday Park contains high quality natural areas, but like almost all Indianapolis area parks, continually battles non-native, invasive plants.  There will, of course, also be time to enjoy the beautiful spring ephemerals in the park.  Holiday Park is located at 6363 Spring Mill Road.

Anyone interested in helping should contact Tom Hohman at