Webinar June 12, Fading Forests: Protecting America’s Trees from Non-native Pests and Diseases
The Environmental Law Institute and the National Invasive Species Council are co-sponsoring a webinar on June 12th, from 1-3c. The title is Fading Forests: Protecting America’s Trees from Non-native Pests and Diseases.
To register: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/781239327
Americans count on trees and forests to provide shade and shelter, jobs and products, and clean air and water, both today and for generations to come. However, non-native insects and diseases are destroying North American trees and forests. In some cases, entire species of trees are being removed from our forests and neighborhoods, causing economic and environmental costs and reduced quality of life in our communities. In this webinar, the authors of Fading Forests III: American Forests: What Choice Will We Make? will present policy and management options that can protect our trees and forests, followed by comments by a panel of experts from government, industry, and non-governmental organizations.