Forum on Mounds Reservoir June 2

This just in from Sheryl Myers., HTR Coalition, 765-620-4166

On Tuesday, June 2, Heart of the River Coalition will host an informational forum at Byrum Hall on Anderson University campus from 7 – 9 pm. 

Speakers will include:

  • Bradley Rayl (former Anderson City engineer)
  • Dr. John Fillwalk (I.D.I.A. lab at Ball State)
  • Tony Fleming, professional hydrogeologist
  • Tim Maloney with the Hoosier Environmental Council 

The program is being finalized.

Mr. Sparks will soon be asking the Anderson City council, the Madison and Delaware County Councils, the town councils of Chesterfield, Daleville, Yorktown, and county commissioners of both counties to form a Mounds Lake Commission.  If it is approved by a majority vote, this commission will do everything in its power to see that the dam is completed.  By voting yes on the ordinance, our local governments would forfeit their rights of eminent domain, zoning, and bond issuance on all reservoir matters by ceding them to the commission, and we the public would no longer have a voice. 

We are approaching your last opportunity to have input in the decision to dam or not to dam.  If you care about our river; if you want to preserve nearly 1000 acres of old trees and associated wildlife habitat; if you want to protect Mounds State Park; if you want to keep the White River as a community resource instead of a private business, if you agree that building a dam could have disastrous consequences, let your elected officials know where you stand IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS.  Their contact info is located at