Yorktown Opposes Mounds Reservoir, Sept 21

From Sheryl Meyer of Heart of the River Coalition (HTR)…(9/21/15)

After 2 1/2 years of writing letters, hosting forums, testifying at public meetings, delivering yard signs, distributing t-shirts, gathering signatures on petitions, doing research, brainstorming together, hosting protest paddles, creating protest art, talking to neighbors, attending HTR meetings, hosting press conferences,  talking to community groups, lobbying elected officials, posting on Facebook, maintaining multiple websites, building coalition partnerships, going to more meetings, sending e-mails, and generally raising h___, we have stopped the reservoir at the local level.  The Yorktown town council voted this evening in favor of this resolution:

Now Therefore be it Resolved, that the Town of Yorktown will not participate in the creation of the Mounds Lake Commission.

Yorktown has joined the rest of Delaware County in opposing creation of the Mounds Lake Commission.  The beauty of the opposition movement is that no single person led the charge:  it took the combined effort of dozens of people each making a contribution to defeat the million dollar effort of Rob Sparks, DLZ Engineering, the Corporation for Economic Development, and a group of assorted local investors supported by the Chamber of Commerce, the Anderson Herald Bulletin, and even the Governor. 

It has restored my faith in democracy. 

HTR extends a HUGE thank you to all of you for your support over the past 2 1/2 years.  You have all contributed to the success of our effort.  Although the reservoir idea isn’t dead and buried quite yet, it has sustained a mortal blow that will be very difficult to recover from.

Long live our free-flowing White River!
