Check Trees and Pool Filters for Invasive Pests
From the Purdue Landscape Report…
August is a great month to search for invasive species because adult pests are flying and trees can show symptoms of infestation.
The adult stages of many insects including Asian long-horned beetle and the spotted lanternfly can easily fall into swimming pools where they become trapped and collected in pool filters. A quick five-minute check of pool filters and trees can help you stop a problem before it kills your trees or your local forest!
Take a photo of anything suspicious and contact the Indiana Division of Entomology and Plant Pathology (DEPP) by calling 866-NO EXOTIC (866-663-9684) or send an email (with a photo of the insect if possible) to
Spotted Lanternfly and Its Look-Alikes
Did you find a black and orange or black and red insect? Although the spotted lanternfly is distinct in shape and color, there are many insects that people can mistake for spotted lanternfly. Among those pictured below, ONLY THE SPOTTED LANTERN FLY IS INVASIVE.