Native Roots: Nature Events in West Central Indiana

Indiana Native Plant Society member Joan Mohr Samuels publishes this quarterly newsletter “to promote the enjoyment & stewardship of natural areas in West Central Indiana!”

Why this newsletter?  Says Joan, “If you’re like me, you’d like to have all your nature news in one place—so you don’t miss out on some interesting natural history programs or stewardship opportunities. That’s my intent here.”

Here is the current SEP-DEC 2024 issue of NATIVE ROOTS which has the SEP-OCT 2024 Wednesdays in the Wild flyer as page 3. The Wednesdays in the Wild programs fill up quickly, but Mary Cutler keeps a waiting list and puts the most up-to-date info on these programs on the “Wednesdays in the Wild” facebook page. To contact Mary: 765-567-2993,

Feel free to pass this newsletter on to anyone you think is interested.

Deadline for submitting nature news/events/stewardship activities for the FEB-MAR 2025 issue is JAN 15, 2025. NOTE:  No WitW programs are scheduled for NOV, DEC & JAN,  so the next Wednesdays in the Wild flyer will be FEB-MAR 2025.

Hope you’ve enjoyed the beautiful Fall weather we’ve been having, and cheers to many good adventures in-person or vicariously the rest of 2024!! –Joan Mohr Samuels