Matching Grant to Help INPS Conserve Rare Native Plants

The Indiana Native Plant Society has received a three-year grant from the Sam Shine Foundation, enabling us to hire a contract position to support a variety of INPS programs.

A substantial part of the contract calls for the development of an Indiana “plants of concern” community science monitoring program in partnership with the Indiana Plant Conservation Alliance (INPCA) and the Indiana Natural Heritage Data Center (INHDC) at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources – Division of Nature Preserves (DNP). This exciting opportunity will enable Indiana to better monitor rare plants in the state and manage those rare plant sites as needed.

There’s a catch! To receive the full grant, INPS needs to raise $28,000 in matching funds. Every dollar we raise will be matched at 2.5 times – so a donation of $100 becomes $250!

We invite you to join in this effort by helping us meet our match requirement. Help INPS conserve Native Plants in Indiana! Please donate today.

Donate to Shine Foundation Matching Grant



Why We Sought the Grant

The Indiana Native Plant Society has existed for more than 30 years as a vibrant volunteer-led organization offering robust programs and educational resources. We can point to numerous achievements advancing our cause as champions for biodiversity, nourishing the web of life, and bringing youth to nature. We have much to celebrate, but with our growth and success, we have reached a turning point.

INPS membership has grown to more than 1000 families and organizations across the state. We have depended on these member volunteers to promote the appreciation, preservation, scientific study, and use of plants native to Indiana, and to teach people about their beauty, diversity, and importance to our environment. This is our mission, and it has energized many of our members to step up and lend a hand. But we want to do more. As we look to the future, we want to invest in an organizational structure to support our growing aspirations.

The Sam Shine Foundation has recognized our need and encouraged us to apply for a matching grant that funds a three-year paid position, which we’re calling the Program Facilitator. This full-time contract position will support our organization by:

  • Maximizing the engagement of INPS members in mission-supporting activities by recruiting and coordinating volunteers.
  • Continuing the expansion and fine-tuning of our Indiana Native Plant Finder.
  • Raising awareness among our members and the public of our many resources and activities, with a view to recruiting new members and encouraging the public to make use of INPS offerings.
  • Providing operational support for INPS programs and regional chapters.

We’re especially excited that this position will enable us to undertake a new and urgent conservation effort:

  • Coordinating the development of an Indiana “plants of concern” community science monitoring program in partnership with the Indiana Plant Conservation Alliance (INPCA) and the Indiana Natural Heritage Data Center (INHDC) at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources – Division of Nature Preserves (DNP).

The Sam Shine Foundation award is a matching grant, and our obligation is to raise $28,000 over the three-year grant period. By matching each dollar donated 2-1/2 times, the award yields a yearly amount of $50,000 to fund the Program Facilitator position.

We invite you to participate in this Shine Foundation Matching Grant by donating generously. Your gift will enable INPS to establish the Program Facilitator position as a support structure to help us thrive as we greet the future.

Donate to Shine Foundation Matching Grant