Dec. 9-10 Invasive Plant Symposium Agenda Set

This just in from Ellen Jacquart regarding the 2015 MIPN Invasive Plant Symposium, December 9-10…

The agenda is out for the Midwest Invasive Plant Network (MIPN) Invasive Plant Symposium!  See the flyer for the details, but let me hit a few of the highlights for you:

  • You’ll hear everything you need to know on the best ways to manage Asian bush honeysuckle, no matter how much you have.  For really big infestations, there’ll be talks on aerial control.  For mid-sized infestations, different chemical control options will be presented and discussed.  For smaller infestations, Jane Morse is going to speak on the different tools available to remove honeysuckle without using chemicals.  Jane has more experience with manual control of bush honeysuckle than anyone I know, and will actually have tools there for people to see.
  • Do you struggle with reed canarygrass and phragmites?  (Who doesn’t?!) Nate Simons will be speaking on his strategy for controlling these species in sedge meadows.  I’ve seen his work on the ground and, believe me, I’ve never seen better results – this talk is highly recommended for managers in northern Indiana.
  • Purple loosestrife biocontrol has been going on for 19 years in Indiana, and Rich Dunbar, the czar of purple loosestrife biocontrol in Indiana, is going to summarize its successes and limitations.
  • And speaking of biocontrol, you’ll get the latest on garlic mustard biocontrol – is it almost ready for release?  Come and find out!
  • You’ll get updates on what Cooperative Weed Management Areas are doing in Indiana – Indiana has CWMAs over most of the state, so come and hear what is happening on invasive species in your area and how you can be involved.
  • Want to learn how to report invasive species in Indiana?  Come and find out from Rebekah Wallace of EddMaps!

There’s a lot more packed into this two day symposium – see the attached agenda for more details.  I hope you’ll come and be part of this important gathering.

Registration and Lodging:

You can register for the two day symposium ($150) or just one day ($100). Students have a discounted registration of $50 for the event. Registration is available online at the NCWSS meeting website ( or if by mail by downloading and sending in a paper form (  PLEASE REGISTER BY November 12th as prices increase by $50 after this date!

If you need a hotel room, we have a block of rooms to reserve by going to: or call 888-421-1442 and tell them you are attending the North Central Weed Science Society annual meeting.   The room rate is $129/night.  The reservation deadline to insure the block room rate is November 12, 2015.