The Landscaping with Natives Digital Education Series is a step-by-step video tutorial for home gardeners on how to use native plants in the landscape. The Indiana Native Plant Society and the Indiana Wildlife Federation are collaborating on this effort, recognizing that native plants are foundational to healthy ecosystems that support all life.
These videos will be posted on the INPS YouTube Channel as they become available. Following are the titles we are working on. We invite you to check back regularly to see what’s become available.
The Why
Why We Need Native Plants
An Opportunity: Homegrown National Park™
Caterpillar: It’s What’s for Dinner
The Threat of Invasive Plants
First Steps
Where to Start: Your Plant Community
Where to Start: Your Landscape, Your Choices
Hosts for the Most: Trees
It’s all about the caterpillars and which plants sustain the most species.
Hosts for the Most: Herbaceous Plants
Common Garden Invasives
A Strategy for Invasive Control
Fall Treatment of Invasive Honeysuckle
INPS members Nick and Sarah Gray share the method they have perfected for treating invasive honeysuckle in the fall.
Next Steps
Native Garden Design Concepts
Design Principles
Plant Shopping
How to Plant a Plant: Nursery Stock
How to Plant a Plant: Plugs, Whips, and Starts
Maintaining Your Native Garden
The Problem with Insecticides
Starter Vignettes
Five for Winter Interest
Five for a Perennial Garden
Five for a Sunny Meadow
Five for Dappled Shade
Five for Water’s Edge
Five for a Bioswale
Five for a Biohedge
Five for Under Utility Wires
Five for Pollinators
Five Perennial Showstoppers
Five Hosts for the Most: Trees
Five Hosts for the Most: Herbaceous Plants
Five Ornamental Shrubs
Five Ornamental Trees
Five Trees for Shade
Five Vines and Climbers
Five Useful Grasses
Community Gardens
Cornfield Conversion 101
Erosion Control Solutions
Neighborhood Entry Signs
Oh Deer! and Other Critter Problems