Photo credit: Tall Ironweed (Vernonia altissima), by Christopher Whalen, 2024 INPS Photo Contest
Every year the Indiana Native Plant Society hosts an online auction. This virtual auction format has the advantage of reaching members and non-members throughout Indiana and provides fantastic offers of rare native plants, private garden tours, celebrity guided hikes, and choice natives from our invasive-free Grow Indiana Natives vendors.
Donate, sign in, and bid to join in the auction fun!
Donate—March 24 through April 25, 2025
Member and business donations help support our auction. Plants, art, books, consultation services, experiences, gardening gear or equipment, and gift certificates are all typical donations we receive.
Not sure if your donation idea is right for the auction? Ask youself, does the item help to promote the appreciation, preservation, scientific study, and use of plants native to Indiana, or teach people about their beauty, diversity, and importance of to our environment? If yes, then your item is needed!
Our donation form will be available here beginning March 24.
Sign In & Bid—May 2 to May 9, 2025
The auction site will go live Friday, May 2, at 7:00 ET, and will close on Friday, May 9, at 7:00 p.m. ET. Come back later for access to the platform link!