Thank you for supporting us! Your donation to INPS, along with the energy and expertise of our volunteers, makes it possible to carry out our mission.
Designate Your Donation
Please tell us where to apply your donation, whether to Letha’s Youth Outdoors Fund, to where it is most needed (INPS General Fund), to a Florathon team sponsorship, or to the Shine Foundation Matching Grant described below. Donations to the General Fund, Letha’s Fund, and Shine Fund can be designated in honor or memory of a specific person.
Payment can be by credit/debit card, PayPal account, or check. NOTE: We welcome payment by check, but please fill out the requisite donation form at the link below so that we can properly match your check to your chosen designation. If a check arrives without online documentation, we may not know where to put it.
Donate to INPS General Fund Donate to Letha's Fund Sponsor a Florathon Team
Shine Foundation Matching Grant
New in 2024, the Indiana Native Plant Society has received a three-year grant from the Sam Shine Foundation, enabling us to hire a contract position to support a variety of INPS programs.
A substantial part of the contract calls for the development of an Indiana “plants of concern” community science monitoring program in partnership with the Indiana Plant Conservation Alliance (INPCA) and the Indiana Natural Heritage Data Center (INHDC) at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources – Division of Nature Preserves (DNP). This exciting opportunity will enable Indiana to better monitor rare plants in the state and manage those rare plant sites as needed. More about the purpose of the grant
To receive and utilize the full three year grant, INPS needs to raise $48,000, with $16,000 of that needed by May 31, 2025. Over the three years of the grant, these funds will leverage $120,000 from the Sam Shine Foundation, essentially a 2.5 match to each donation. This is a great opportunity to help the Indiana Native Plant Society protect rare plants in Indiana and more than double the impact of your gift. It is also a lovely way to honor a loved one by making a donation in their name or their memory. Please help us meet our match requirement by donating today.
Donate to Shine Foundation Matching Grant
Other Ways to Support Our Mission
- An in-kind donation to our annual Native Plant Auction. This need not be a plant. It can be a weekend getaway, a private tour, a gift card, a service. Your imagination’s the limit.
- Sponsorship of our Annual Conference. Several levels of sponsorship are available, with suitable perks.
- Giving us some of your valuable time as a volunteer. Take our skills survey to help us match you up with program needs.